There are a lot of games under the name Mobile Suit Gundam from The Arcade to the Sony PlayStation Vita. I'm currently playing this online turn-based strategy game. With chat, and with clan/group aspects. Enjoying it mainly due to theme and community. 50/50 stats and luck of random rolls. Much better than the old "Pen and Paper" Gundam games I used to jot down. Yes used to be a Gundam super fan.
For the most part the server names follow the episode titles from Gundam Seed.14 Servers/realms as of this post. In an interesting move they skip Episode 2 - "It's Name: Gundam" and just go to 3 and onwards. "Endless Time" is the name of a recap episode from the show.
I made arrow notations on the specific servers that glaringly change the actual source Title.
- Flat Decision / Flay's Decision
- Vanishing Sense/ Vanishing Gundam
Some of the other server names just shorten the titles...
- Enemy Force / Songstress of the enemy force
- Phase Shift / Phase Shift Down
Gundam Seed had a total of 50 episodes from the TV show and plus 3 from the Special Edition movies so around so this dev team still has room to add more server/realms.
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