One of the few 2015 Anime that I watched this year was Chivalry of A Failed Knight (The Worst One)
A total of 12 episodes and the series follows the usual Shonen/Action Tournament Anime. Follows the life and battles of Kurogane Ikki. He is indeed the titular "Failed Knight"/ The Worst One because among all the students in the school with Sword-magic, he can't enchant his sword with magic. be it elemental or otherwise. The school gives him a student rating of F (the best being an A-rank).
Most of the usual RPG elementals tropes are here (Fire, Water, Lightning).
The art direction for the last two episodes goes really out there as it takes a Grey, Black, and white with hints of red, blue, and yellow in select objects or characters. The actual picture quality of show goes into a "Grindhouse" mode where you can see more noise and pop in the picture like it was and old film. Something odd to be sure and really got my attention...
Fan Service
I would have to say that it can get as intense a show like "Freezing" or "Ikki Tousen" but it usually ends up appearing on screen less frequently. It's actually more even or Gender-equal in this show because Ikki goes shirtless a few time for the female viewers and Stella is there for the male viewers. Episodes 3 and 9 contain most this stuff. There's also a running gag in the show where a teacher has a severe nosebleed everyday.
The Ending definitely leaves itself open-ended for a possible 2nd series of OVA of some kind. Not sure how much more developed the story is in the ongoing Light Novel series. I watched it English Subtitled via Hulu.
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