It has not been a very favorable few months for Warner Brothers' "games" division because the PC (Windows) ports of two big releases of 2015 have had serious bugs. The most recent one being Batman: Arkham Knight which was released today. According to the Wikipedia page for Arkham Knight the PC port of the last Batman game was done by Iron Galaxy Studios. Most notable for their ports of older Capcom games.
Read this article on PC Gamer...
The previous disaster was with the release of Mortal kombat X for PC/Windows back in April. MK X was definitely the more severe release due to the issue of base game content not being initially accessible and the major problem of Save Game data getting lost due to a patch. That was by a different 3rd party studio called High Voltage Software. I've actually visited this place a while back.
It's especially sad to hear about these issues because both of these 3rd party developers that ported MK X and Arkham Knight are based in the state of Illinois.While I like the fact that Warner Bros. Interactive is giving these Illinois-based game development studios a chance to work on big games, as a gamer you just wish for a cleaner release you know?
If you still plan on playing the game on PC remember to get the latest drivers for your Nvidia or AMD video cards (links can be found in the PC gamer article above).
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