Back around the 10th of the month a new crowd-funding website popped up on the Internet, It's focused specifically on Japanese Animation/ Anime. Their very first project is called Serendipity.
Anicool seems to borrow quite a lot from the more well-known Kickstarter. The most obvious similarity is the various rewards offered to people that give a certain amount of money to the funding goal.
Anicool funds projects in Yen as opposed to USD. In order for Serendipity to be fully funded "they" need a total of 1,000,000.00 Yen. I ran this through Google and it converts to around 9,818.84 USD. Valid exchange rate at the time of this post.
So what is Serendipity about?
A Young depressed college
student decides to take his own life and encounters an Angel of Death
(that takes the form of a Bishounen.) From the rest of the plot summary,
it seem to be going for "It's a Wonderful Life" feeling.
With only 3 days left the amount of money currently raised just over 800,000 Yen, from 100+ supporters. I have chosen not to back this initial project because the plot summary doesn't really appeal to me. Dealing with death and suicide. A big problem in Japan according to the various news items I've read off of the English-translated Japanese news sites.
You can count me in once an Action or Comedy Anime project appears on this site.
Update: The project was successfully funded by July 30th, 2014. With a handful of hours left.
Otaku USA website
Aicool website
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